West Niagara Animal Hospital is aware of the vast amount of information available on the Internet. We trust the information the listed websites provide to you, our client, and member of our family.
- West Niagara Animal Hospital Facebook Page- www.facebook.com/WestNiagaraAn…
- Veterinary Partner- www.veterinarypartner.com
- The College of Veterinarians of Ontario- https://cvo.org
- Ontario Veterinary Medical Associations- www.ovma.org
- The Ontario Association of Registered Veterinary Technicians- www.oavt.org
- Canadian Kennel Club- www.ckc.ca
- Niagara Veterinary Emergency Clinic- www.niagaravetemerg.ca
- Upper Canada Veterinary Services- www.uppercanadavet.ca
- Mississauga Oakville Veterinary Emergency Hospital- http://vetemergency.ca
- Ontario Veterinary College- http://ovc.uoguelph.ca
- OVMA Pet Insurance- https://www.ovma.org/pet-owner…
- Trupanion- https://trupanion.com/canada
- Pets Plus Us- https://www.petsplusus.com/
- Petsecure- www.petsecure.com/
- Royal Canin- http://royalcanin.ca/
- Hill’s Pet Food- www.hillspet.ca
- Proplan Veterinary Diets https://www.proplanveterinaryd…
- Gateway Pet Memorial Services- http://ontario.gatewaypetmemor…